Auxilium Academics
assists you with
We are two freelance consultants in mental health research with a strong background in the design, analysis and publication of quantitative research
More information about us
We are the principal investigators of dozens of scientific papers published in top journals in psychiatry or psychology.
Data analysis
We are proficient in R and Python, and we created R packages available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
We are the (co-)principal investigators of a dozen research grants from both public and private actors, totalizing more than $3M.
We both have a PhD in Neuro/Cognitive Psychology from either Goldsmith University of London or Paris Descartes University.
Corentin J Gosling, PhD
Paris Nanterre University, France
University of Southampton, UK
Serge Caparos, PhD
Paris 8 University, France
Institut Universitaire de France
Services & Prices


If you have not started your research, we can help you design observational and experimental studies, as well as meta-research (from a simple power analysis to drafting protocol on various repositories such as PROSPERO, OSF or AsPredicted). We can also help you designing your project for a grant proposal.


We can help you choose and conduct a wide range of statistical analyses. We systematically ouput a self-explanatory document with a reproductible R/python code as well as elegant figures to vizualize the results. Additionally, we can also create a dedicated website and/or interactive web-app.


We provide various services to help you report the results of a study. This can go from improving an existing document to the complete writing of the manuscript. We also provide pre peer-reviewing to point out the weaknesses of your manuscript and increase the likelihood of acceptance of your paper in a top journal.

See here some previous projects
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